In view of the latest developments on the Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Municipality of Portimão launched a strong appeal to everyone's individual and collective responsibility - “Be Responsible! Do your part. Follow the recommendations”. Local measures have already been taken to reduce risks of exposure and contagion COVID19.

COUNTY BEACHESOn March 28, the Municipality of Portimão - in close collaboration with the Local Health Authority, Bombeiros, PSP, GNR, Maritime Police and Lifeguards (ISN) - took the unprecedented action of closing access to the beaches of the county and adjacent areas.From Praia da Rocha to Ria de Alvor, including the jetties, in an extension of more 8km, it is not allowed to circulate either by walking or for physical activity.GREEN AND PUBLIC SPACESSince March 29, the municipality of Portimão has restricted access, through use of barriers and boundary tapes, to various green spaces and public areas of the city.Jardim 1º Dezembro, Jardim Visconde Bívar, Largo e Parque Gil Eanes, Jardim Sárea Prado and Parque da Quinta do Caneco are some of the examples, as well as the various playgrounds and informal sports park that exist in the municipality.
Implementation of contingency plans for all services of the City Council and Parish Councils;
Information sessions to public and private education establishments, local civil protection agents, tourist agents operating in the municipality and collectives (clubs and associations);
Preventive closure of sports and culture equipment and suspension of its activities until April 2nd¸ at least;
Suspension of all events promoted by the municipality;
Suspension of all physical activities of the community and of all sports’ clubs until April 2nd¸ at least;
Suspension (by the parishes of Portimão and Alvor) of their activities with children and adolescents until new announcement.
Aldi : 10:00 to 19:30
Amplo Sortido Coviran (R. Oceano Atlântico): 8:00 to 19:45 (Monday to Saturday)
Auchan (ex.: Jumbo) : 09:00 to 21:00
Continente Cabeço do Mocho: 08:30 to 22:00
Continente V6: 08:30 to 23:00
Lild : 08:00 to 19:00
Minipreço: 08:00 to 19:00
Intermarché Portimão : 09:00 to 20:00
Pingo Doce Bombeiros: 09:00 to 17:00
Pingo Doce Craveiros : 09:00 to 17:00
Pingo Doce D. Carlos I : 11:00 to 19:00
Intermarché Alvor : 09:30 to 19:00
Pingo Doce Alvor : 11:00 to 19:00MEXILHOEIRA GRANDE / FIGUEIRA
Serro Coviran (Mexilhoeira Grande): 8:00 to 12:00 - 15:30 to 18:00
Serro Coviran (Figueira): 8:30 to 12:00Specific schedules for Health and Safety Force and Relief Operational professionals.Aldi : 09:00 to 10:00Intermarché (Cabeço do Mocho) : 20:15 to 21:30 -
MUNICIPALITY SERVICES BY PHONE OR E-MAIL:📞 282 470 700 📧 geral@cm-portimao.ptMunicipal Office BUM📞 282 470 777 📧 balcao.unico@cm-portimao.pt9:00 to 17:00LINHA PROTEÇÃO 24H(Municipal Civil Protection Service): 808 282 112For the various municipal services, the Municipality of Portimão provides the following telephone / email contacts:Green Spaces (Ambiente e Espaços Verdes): 282 480 400Municipal Arquive (Arquivo Municipal): 282 480 493 / 282 480 494 | arquivo@cm-portimao.ptLegal Affairs (Assuntos Jurídicos): 282 470 865 | secretariadodaj@cm-portimao.ptMunicipal Office BUM (Balcão Único: 282 470 777 | balcao.unico@cm-portimao.ptLibraries and Documentation (Bibliotecas e Documentação): 282 480 476 | biblioteca.portimao@cm-portimao.ptCasa Manuel Teixeira Gomes: 282 480 489Communication, Information and Brand (Comunicação, Informação e Marca): 282 470 785 | info.geral@cm-portimao.ptSports and Youth (Desporto e Juventude): 282 470 844 | desporto@cm-portimao.pt juventude@cm-portimao.ptEducation (Educação): 282 470 751 | educacao@cm-portimao.ptTax Foreclosures (Execuções Fiscais): 282 470 779 | e.fiscais@cm-portimao.ptHousing and Social Development and Health (Habitação e Desenvolvimento Social e Saúde): 282 470 830 / 282 470 859 / 282 470 822 | accao.social@cm-portimao.ptMuseums and Heritage (Museus e Património): 282 405 230 | museu@cm-portimao.ptPublic Works (Obras Públicas): 282 470 300 | paulo.guereiro@cm-portimao.ptUrban Planning Department (Urbanismo): 282 480 400 | dgum@cm-portimao.ptPortimão Arena: 282 470 870 | portimao.arena@cm-portimao.ptPets Medical Service (serviço Médico-Veterinário): 282 470 315 / Urgency (Urgências): 961 937 439 | osvaldo.mateus@cm-portimao.pt*TEMPO – Municipal Theater of Portimão: 282 402 470 geral@teatromunicipaldeportimao.ptTourism: 282 402 487 | info@visitportimao.comYou can access many other Public Administration services available through the digital channel: https://eportugal.gov.pt/covid-19
Support for the elderly people“WE DO IT FOR YOU”
The Portimão Parish Council launched a distribution service of medicines, purchases and other essential services to the most vulnerable population.
Target audience: seniors, over 65 years old, resident in the parish of Portimão
If you are in this situation please call number 282 402 140,Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm. -
- Manuel Teixeira Gomes Library (Biblioteca Municipal Manuel Teixeira Gomes)- Manuel Teixeira Gomes House (Casa Manuel Teixeira Gomes)- Alcalar Interpretive Center (Centro Interpretativo de Alcalar)- Alvor Sports Hall (Complexo Desportivo de Alvor)- Mexilhoeira Grande Sports Hall (Complexo Desportivo da Mexilhoeira Grande)-“Ponto Já” Youth Store (Loja Ponto Já)- Portimão Museum (Museu de Portimão)- Portimão Farm (Quinta Pedagógica)- Portimão Sports Hall (Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Portimão)- Boavista Sports Hall (Pavilhão Desportivo da Boavista)- Montes de Alvor Sports Hall (Pavilhão dos Montes de Alvor)- *TEMPO – Municipal Theater of Portimão- Youth Park* TEMPO – Municipal Theater of Portimão is currently closed to the public. We will provide information regarding the way of reimbursement, as soon as possible. If you wish to be contacted please send an email to geral@teatromunicipaldeportimao.pt. "
-Municipal Market of S. João de Deus AvenueSince March 16th, access to the Market is conditioned to a maximum of 100 people (at the same time)
The entrance of a new customer will only be possible after the exit of another.
Entrances and exits will be monitored.
We'll guarantee the best security conditions to our customers and operators.
- Flea marketFlea market scheduled for April 5th, as well as the Monthly Market scheduled for the 6th of the same month, will not be held. Timely, we will communicate the new dates.
Tickets purchased for the March 15th Flea Market (meanwhile canceled) are considered valid for the next market to be held on a new date to be announced.- Alvor Riverside MarketAs a preventive measure, in close cooperation with the local public health authority, this market is suspended. -
WASTE MANAGEMENTEMARP - Municipal Company of Waters and Residues of Portimão, recommends that populati-on complies with some rules in the handling of household waste, in order to guarantee the protection of public health and the workers, as well as to prevent the spread disease, making it compatible with the need for effective and efficient waste management.
1. Houses and Local Acommodation
It is recommended that:
In case you are facing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 infection being treated at home, all waste produced by the patient and those who provide him assistance, should be placed in resistant and disposable garbage bags, filled up to 2/3 of its capacity.• In addition, masks, gloves and kleenexm ust be properly packed in garbage bags, and must be placed in the common garbage container.• These properly closed bags must be placed in a 2nd bag, also properly closed, and be deposited in the undifferentiated waste container.• The bags must always be placed inside the container, never leave the bag on the floor. If the container is full, place the bag in the nearest container on use when available.
2. Companies, hotels and other accommodation with big concentration of people, ports and airportsIt is recommended that:
If you are facing a suspected or confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19):
• The waste produced by customer and by whom provides assistance, should be equated to biohazardous medical wasted (group III), and their management must be ensured as such.
• The residues must be stored in a resistant plastic bag, placed in a content with lid and non-manual opening. When the bag is full (fill up to 2/3 of its capacity), it must be closed tightly and deposited in a 2nd bag.
• The waste must be kept segregated and sent to a licensed operator for the management of biohazardous medical waste.PUBLIC AREAS CLEANINGPortimão Municipal Water and Waste Company makes a reinforcement in cleaning and disinfection services, namely disinfection of public roads, in the main areas that still register an big influx of people.
The operation took place on March 21st and 22nd with sodium hypochlorite.
This product, considered the most suitable for this purpose, was primarily applied by EMARP in the areas of banks, entrances to the Market on Avenida São João de Deus, supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies, etc., as well as at ATMs and bus stops, in addition to other public spaces, and also in Alvor and Mexilhoeira Grande.This is a prophylactic measure that meets the new guidelines and recommendations to face of the Covid-19 pandemic situation.EMARP is carrying out vigilant monitoring of the public areas, being able to intervene whenever determined and thus justified. -
Regional Health Authority has determined that all citizens returning from outside Portugal should remain in prophylactic isolation for a period of 14 days, counting from the arrival day.